The User eXperience (aka: UX) is broadly defined as every interaction your business ever has with someone via your website (either on a Desktop, Mobile or Tablet). This might sound like a significant number of situations to consider when you’re trying to create a better user design experience, but these six steps below will help you focus on the user, no matter how they interact with your company, or what you’re selling.
The ultimate goal when designing your central coast website is to get someone to do something you want them to do via your website, such as phoning you, clicking ‘Buy’ (if you have an ecommerce shopping cart), or completing and submit a form, etc. To make that happen you need to understand what you’re selling and how to best get across what you’re trying to say to your audience. This involves putting yourself in the mind-set of your customer, rather than in the mind-set of someone trying to sell a product or service. Which can be a lot trickier than you might think.
‘Content is King!’ is a term known to all small business owners; but is something very few bother to put into action.
Unless you’re a professional writer who understand the web and knows the bifurcation between writing what Google wants (to help rank the page in Google search) and what human beings will respond to, then it is always advisable to leave the content writing on your website to an expert.
Yes, everyone can string a few words together. But it’s disingenuous to the craft of copywriting to think that just because you can knock-out a couple of semi-coherent paragraphs in an email, that that’s enough to make your content stand out from your competition in Google search. After all, most everyone can drive a car, but would you expect Joe Citizen to be able to win the next Formula 1 Grand Prix, just because they know how to drive? No. Same goes for content. Therefore, it is always advisable to:
Hire a professional SEO Copywriter and Content Marketing specialist!
A professional copywriter understands that tailoring the language on your small business website to your audience, is key. And that avoiding complicated terms and needlessly obtuse industry jargon will significantly increase conversion rate optimisation. Because you’ll be amazed how honest, open dialogue on a product or service, expressed through concise well SEO’d website content, helps engender trust.
Has there ever an acronym (K.I.S.S) that applied so well to ALL small business websites? I doubt there has!
Keep this in mind when your web builder is constructing your new Central Coast website to ensure you don’t become one of these business owners who fall into the trap of making their website design complicated for the sake of being ‘different’.
A clean, simple WordPress website template, tweaked to marry your brand, with an easy to follow navigation and clearly laid out content will stand you out from your competitors.
People are constantly multitasking and are always busy, so it’s critical that each time they interact with your business, delays are kept to a minimum. Therefore, it’s imperative that your website loads quickly, ideally under 2-seconds, upon opening. Because every additional second it takes for your website to load, the more of your hard-earned traffic you lose.
You can check your website load speed here: via Google PageSpeed Insights tool.
Yes, words are 90% of the battle when it comes to your website content ranking in Google. But your website isn’t a 2-D brochure, or a book. It’s a multi-media experience and the user will expect that it functions that way.
So, make sure your website is littered with bright, ‘punchy’ images that complement the website design. And, wherever possible, add in videos. Because if ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’; then ‘A video is worth a thousand pictures’. Different people consume information differently. Make sure you offer your information in multiple ways, so it will appeal to everyone.
Creating the best website User eXperience allows the visitors to your website to access and consume the information on the website relevant to them, while simultaneously feeling connected with your brand via your website.
Need to get your business website on the first page of Google? No worries, we’ve got you covered. We outrank all of our competitors, and we can absolutely do the same for you!
Or else maybe you need a new website built? One that you can pay off over an entire year, interest free? Because we’ve got that covered too!
For all your digital marketing requirements, simply call (02) 433 94034 to get a no-obligation quote.