SEO Newcastle
Nearly twenty years – that’s how long we’ve been specialising in Search Engine Optimisation. So if you’ve typed ‘SEO Newcastle’ into Google because you’re seeking to rank your Newcastle business locally (or nationally for that matter), wouldn’t you prefer to partner with a local SEO company that’s been around almost as long as Google?
Central Coast SEO & Web Design is a locally based division of renowned Sydney digital agency, SEO North Sydney Pty Ltd, and is located in Point Clare on the Central Coast, directly between Sydney and Newcastle.
For the last twenty years, agency founder Brian M Logan has been getting small businesses on the first page of Google by using strategic optimisation techniques to connect people searching on the web to products, services and solutions they need.

With an encyclopedic knowledge of how Google operates, Brian and the team at Central Coast SEO & Web Design are well-positioned to help you utilise the most cost-effective and powerful SEO strategies available to increase the visibility and revenue of your business.
Newcastle SEO That is ‘No Risk, All Reward‘
Local search engine marketing is one of the best ways to capture your target demographic and boost your business’ profit in a matter of months.
As a small business ourselves, we know from our own experience that that one of the best ways to boost our clients’ confidence and build their belief in the sheer power of SEO is to take ‘risk’ out of the equation.
That’s why we offer ‘No Risk, All Reward’ Newcastle SEO packages that places the responsibility to bring clear and tangible ROI results on us, while shielding your investment in SEO strategies completely.

We Build Relationships While You Build Your Business
As a local business based in Point Clare on the Central Coast, we service Newcastle, the Central Coast and greater Sydney. As such we understand the benefit of local search marketing techniques to influence a business’ reach in the city they operate in.
These search marketing techniques allow us to:
- Help you build long-term relationships and trust with your existing clients.
- Connect your brand with new clients seeking your products or services.
- Shield your company from any undue risk during the SEO campaign.
Our In-House Newcastle SEO Expertise is Local to You
Our Central Coast SEO services are performed locally. This isn’t the case with most SEO agencies. Most of whom – without you knowing – ship out your work to contractors in India, the Philippines, Serbia, the Ukraine etc. All of which is bad news for you as a local business, if you’re looking to get any demonstrable ROI.
Frankly put, there is no short-cut to better results in Google. Like everything else in life it needs time, money and resource to work. With nearly twenty years in the SEO game, we’ve long since realised that. But many Newcastle small business owners, lured in by cheap SEO packages and promises that sound too good to be true, often don’t appreciate that. They (naturally enough) want it all now. They want to pay a dollar and get ten dollars’ worth of value. And we get that. It’s human nature when all’s said and done. But if you’re a small business owner reading this, and are looking to grow your business so it’ll be there in five years or ten years’ time; they you have to start viewing the marketing of your business the same way. You have to think long term, if you want to be there long term.
Call the Newcastle SEO Experts – TODAY.
So call (02) 4339 4034 today to talk business owner to business owner, with a Newcastle SEO company. Or else fill in the contact form on this page and we’ll call you back to walk you through the ins and outs of how a Newcastle SEO package is really meant to work.