Have you noticed that the older you get, the quicker the years seem to zoom by? I know I have. Common sense dictates that time is a constant, and thus perceiving it as moving more quickly as we age must be an illusion. Though Adrian Bejan, a Distinguished Professor at Duke University seems to think there’s some science behind the statement. And who are we to argue with a tenured professor? Especially when you check the calendar and realise it’s nearly Christmas already, and find yourself thinking: “Where on earth did the year go?” Because I’m pretty sure just yesterday it was March, and the year was just starting to ramp up!
Christmas means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. But for me, it’s absolutely my favourite time of the year. I love Christmas for religious reasons, and I love Christmas for stockings and Santa and an overabundance of good cheer spread liberally around the world like snowdrops blowing in a blizzard.
As ‘Christmas’ Biggest Fan‘ (TM) I love putting the Christmas lights up on the outside of our house and decorating our Christmas tree, warm in the glow of this most wonderful time of year. A time when a 2,000-year-old narrative of a babe born in a stable reminds us to be the people we’ve always wanted to be. It’s a time of year when we treat our loved ones better, we treat strangers better, and – God willing – we treat ourselves better. Because the cognitive dissonance that arises as a result of our fast-paced, dog-eat-dog lives, can sometimes impact how we interact with the world. Where the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry. Or to put it slightly less poetically: we always try to present the best version of ourselves to the world. We really do. But punishing work schedules and bills and deadlines and deliverables often mean that the best version of ourselves gets put on hold. At least until the next deadline or crisis is averted. It’s just the way of things. Especially if you’ve got a business to run, as well as a family to look after.
Christmas is a time to think of those less fortunate than ourselves. When kindness becomes the currency we should all be trading in, not avarice. It is also a time to remember that we need to be kind to ourselves, as well as other people. Because we are so often our own worst critics. But no matter how many things we tick off our ‘To Do’ list today…there’ll be another 50 things added to it tomorrow, whether we like it or not. And we all need to realise that this is just the way of things. And that we can only control what we can control. Focusing on other people’s needs allows us to get out of our own heads. And we are never more alive than when we are helping other people.
As a business owner, December is a time when things tend to slow down. A time of reflection. And while all small business owners want the phone ringing off the hook 24/7, it’s actually okay that things ease off in December. Because to all things a season. And the new year will be upon us soon enough.
My staff and I at Central Coast SEO & Web Design had our staff Christmas lunch today. And despite some pesky issues with road closures on the Central Coast Highway and the M1 due to (different) traffic accidents, everyone got there safely, and a wonderful time was had by one and all!
So from our family to yours, I wish you a very Merry Christmas. And a prosperous, healthy, and amazing, 2023!