‘How Long Does it Take to Get My Website on the 1st Page of Google’ is the number one question SEO companies get asked when we take on a new client. And the short answer is: It takes on average 6-12 months to reach the first page of Google. The long answer is: It takes Google a MINIMUM of 3 months to trust ANYTHING WE DO ON YOUR WEBSITE TODAY (as Google is always 3 months behind in trusting changes to websites), SO IT CAN TAKE 12-18 MONTHS if you’re in a super competitive industry.
For example, if you’re in the insurance vertical, the cosmetic surgery vertical, the plumbing vertical, the dentistry vertical, the electrical vertical, the mortgage vertical or any of thousands of other uber competitive industry verticals, then ALL YOUR COMPETITORS ARE SPENDING A FORTUNE ON SEO. And chances are, they’ve been doing it a lot longer than your site has. Which means (in the eyes of Google), that your website needs to play catchup…big time. And that takes TIME and PATIENCE and BUDGET. Because in the world of SEO, nothing happens overnight. And SEO resource costs money. Because the very reason why organic SEO leads are the best quality is because people trust Google organic search results, in a way they don’t with Google paid ads (PPC). And to gain that Google trust takes time, and there are no short cuts to achieving results. You just have to do the SEO work month after month after month. Then, eventually, Google starts trusting your website like it trusts your competitor sites that are already on page one of Google.
And as we stated, Google is always 3 months behind anything we do on your website today. And we need to give Google time to start trusting your site, like they trust the websites already on the first page of Google.
Getting to the first page of Google entails a lot of hard work. This is because Google’s algorithm looks at more than 200 factors and over 10,000 sub-factors when assessing where to rank your website. These include:
Domain factors – Google takes into account how many months or years your domain has existed, the number of times your site has been dropped from the Google indes, and whether the domain is or has been, penalized by Google. It also looks at whether a keyword is used in your domain. (Though be aware that the Exact Match Domain – EMD – algorithm can come into play when choosing your domain url, if your site is of low quality and your url is ‘keyword heavy’).
Page-level factors – These include QUALITY CONTENT (this is huge), plus content length, amount of pages (more is better), page loading speed, image optimisation, URL length, meta-tags, a user-friendly layout (UX) and a targeted keyword in page description. (Plus so much more!)
Site-level factors – Google prefers sites that provide something new and unique, are mobile friendly, and contain contact information, a sitemap and a well-thought-out site architecture (Among many others!).
Backlink factors – One of the most vital ranking signals in Google’s algorithm is the number of referring domains and the number of backlinks a site has. Also important to rank high on Google are backlinks from old domains, the actual number of linking pages, keyword-rich anchor text and external links on the site, amongst others. But keep in mind that, post the Penguin algorithm, the wrong type of backlinks can get your site penalized in Google. So always think quality over quantity.
User interaction factors – Your site is likely to get a ranking boost if it shows lots of repeat and direct traffic and a longer dwell time. The same holds true if your site displays multiple comments, has a high organic click-through rate and often gets linked to by users on other websites.
Brand signals – Your site will rank higher on Google if it includes links to your social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. More so if these accounts show a large number of followers and likes, signifying that your brand is well known. Other elements that Google takes into consideration are if your brand gets mentioned or tagged, and if the content contains a branded anchor text.
Webspam factors – Whether on-site or off-site, webspam factors can highly destroy your site’s Google ranking as this means that you have a low-quality site. On-site webspam includes links to spammy sites, popups, distracting ads, redirects, nonsense content, links to affiliate sites and auto-generated content. Getting hacked, links from unrelated sites, widget links, suspicious links too much anchor text are some examples of off-site webspam.
Getting SEO right is important to rank high on Google and drive traffic to your website. First page ranking is, as we all know, vital. But you need to understand that it takes a minimum of 3 months for Google to start trusting any SEO work done on your website, today. And that in competitive verticals, it will take 6-12 months to start hitting those first pages. So understanding the time-frame required to get the job done, is vital when entering into an agreement with a legitimate SEO company such as Central Coast SEO & Web Design.
If you find yourself at a loss when it comes to tweaking your site to maximise its rankings, it’s time to talk to the experts. We at Central Coast SEO & Web Design offer No Risk – All Reward advanced SEO packages to convert your leads to sales. By all means call us for a no obligation discussion.